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Community Collaboration


Arrowleaf’s Community Collaboration area of focus includes a wide range of resources and opportunities that connect people with other resources in our communities, strengthen our services in our other areas of focus, and make Southern Illinois more vibrant for all of us.

For example, we provide comfortable apartments to older adults in our community, help coordinate primary care providers for people in our region, provide training to healthcare providers on specialty topics, and support schools in their work with students who can benefit from additional emotional and academic support, and advocate our communities on a local and state level. We also serve as a vital connector between the people of our region and the resources they need, whether we can provide those resources ourselves or not. Arrowleaf’s Community Collaboration programs and services are listed below:

Angel Tree

Angel Tree helps families dealing with a crisis due to medical issues, unemployment, homelessness, or other difficult circumstances access in-kind donations that make it possible for them to celebrate the winter holidays.

CCBYS – Comprehensive Community-Based Youth Services

CCBYS helps young people, ages 10 to 17, and their families minimize involvement in the child welfare and/or juvenile justice system through stabilization and support services.

Client Choice Food Pantry

The “client choice” food pantry allows clients the opportunity to choose the items they need instead of receiving a pre-packed bag of items. The Cairo location is accessible 5 days a week and the Vienna location is accessible 3 days a week to anyone residing in the southern seven counties of Illinois, however, priority is given to individuals living in Alexander, Johnson, and Pulaski Counties.

>> Learn more – Join our Facebook Group

Community Closet

The Community Closet is available to individuals needing immediate access to material goods such as household supplies, hygiene products, caregiver and baby supplies, and clothing such as coats and shoes for children. The closet is supported by Molina Healthcare of Illinois, WIBH “New Coats, New Hope Campaign” and with private donations. 

>> Request a Coat – HERE

CYS – Community Youth Services

CYS helps youth ages 11 to 24 reach their full potential and strengthens communities through the facilitation of life skills training, community resource projects, career readiness training, and other youth-led initiatives.

>> Download the 2022 Youth Referral Guide (PDF file).

FAC – Family Advocacy Center

FAC helps children and parents/caregivers that have DCFS involvement (or are likely to have DCFS involvement) stay together by strengthening and safeguarding the functioning of families, preventing substitute placement, promoting family reunification, stabilizing foster care placements, facilitating youth development, and ensuring the safety and well-being of children.

FT – Fast Track

FT helps students ages 14 to 24 who are living with an intellectual and/or developmental disability prepare to enter the workforce post-graduation through vocational skill-building successfully.

GAA – Garden Apartments of Anna

GAA provides safe, affordable studio, one-bedroom, and two-bedroom apartments for individuals who meet HUD income guidelines in Union County, Illinois, offering stable housing in a supportive community. Applications for housing can be picked up at any office location, by calling 618-652-7081 or by emailing

GAV – Garden Apartments of Vienna

GAV provides stable housing through safe, affordable one-bedroom apartments for individuals living with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and those aged 62+, with rental assistance available through USDA in Johnson County, Illinois. Applications for housing can be obtained by calling 618-652-2053 or by emailing

MHAT – Mental Health Awareness Training

MHAT prepares individuals and communities to respond appropriately and safely to persons with mental health challenges and or disorders, particularly those with serious mental illness (SMI) and/or serious emotional disturbances (SED). 

>> Sign Up for our next Mental Health First Aid free training!

>> Sign Up for our next Question. Persuade. Refer. free training!

PATH – Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness

PATH helps adults experiencing homeless or marginal housing and those living with significant mental illness transition to more stable housing by coordinating services that help them address their individual needs.

ROSC – Recovery Oriented System of Care

ROSC is a coordinated network of community-based services and supports that is person-centered and builds on the strengths and resiliencies of individuals, families, and communities to achieve recovery and improved health, wellness, and quality of life for those with or at risk of substance use disorders.

>> Learn More – Join our Facebook Group 

​RYSE – Rural Youth Services Enhanced

The RYSE program aims to create resilient communities by addressing the lack of access to mental health services and social services for youth in the counties of Alexander, Hardin, and Pulaski who are involved or at risk of being involved in the juvenile justice system.

SLP – Supportive Living Program

SLP helps adults age 65+ live independently by providing them with housing in an apartment-style setting that emphasizes privacy and autonomy, while also offering services that support their health and well-being and providing a little extra assistance with the activities of daily life.

>> Learn more about the Autumn Ridge Supportive Living Program

>> Learn more – Join our Facebook Group

SUPS – Substance Use Prevention Services

SUPS helps students 11 to 18 learn about substance use and misuse through a prevention-oriented curriculum and community-wide awareness-building activities that aim to reduce the prevalence of substance misuse in our communities.

>> Download the 2022 SUPS Annual Summary (PDF file).

Need more information about our Community Collaboration programs and services?

Learn about our other areas of focus...

Behavioral  Health  •  Developmental Services  •  Community Collaboration