Board of Directors
Membership Application
Arrowleaf is the human services organization in Southern Illinois best positioned to support individuals of all ages so that they can contribute to vibrant and more robust communities. That’s because only Arrowleaf:
- Innovates our service offerings to best support the communities’ needs;
- Leads community collaboration to better support the success of each individual we work with; and
- Contributes to community prosperity and tracks economic impact.
Arrowleaf’s mission is to help all Southern Illinoisans reach their full potential. We provide resources and opportunities that support individuals of all ages so they can thrive, make our communities more vibrant, and build economic prosperity that benefits everyone.
We envision a Southern Illinois where all individuals are contributing to a community that is safe and vibrant for everyone. The Board of Directors is seeking diverse, enthusiastic, and empathetic candidates to fill membership seats in accordance with its by-laws.
Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
As the highest leadership body of the organization and to satisfy its fiduciary duties, the board is responsible for:
- determining the mission and purposes of the organization selecting and evaluating the performance of the chief executive officer
- strategic and organizational planning
- ensuring strong fiduciary oversight and financial management
- fundraising and resource development
- approving and monitoring the organization’s programs and services
- enhancing the organization’s public image
- assessing its performance as the governing body of the organization
- following the organization’s bylaws, policies, and board resolutions
- signing an annual conflict-of-interest disclosure and updating it during the year if necessary, as well as disclosing potential conflicts before meetings and actual conflicts during meetings
- maintaining confidentiality about all internal matters of the organization
Responsibilities of Individual Board Members
Each board member is expected to:
- know the organization’s mission, policies, programs, and needs
- faithfully read and understand the organization’s financial statements
- serve as active advocates and ambassadors for the organization and fully engage in identifying and securing the financial resources and partnerships necessary for the organization to advance its mission
- leverage connections, networks, and resources to develop collective action to fully achieve the organization’s mission
- give a meaningful personal financial donation
- help identify personal connections that can benefit the organization’s fundraising and reputational standing, and can influence public policy
- prepare for, attend, and conscientiously participate in board meetings
NOTE: Board Members receive no salary for their services on our Board of Directors.
Complete and submit the Application Form below.
NOTE: Only residents of Alexander, Hardin, Johnson, Massac, Pope, Pulaski, and Union Counties in Illinois are eligible to apply.