Behavioral Health Client Fees
What is the client fee policy at Arrowleaf
for behavioral health services?
At Arrowleaf, we ensure that everyone can access our services regardless of their ability to pay. We use a sliding fee scale based on income and family size to determine fees for our clients. However, if a client’s income is less than 100% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, they can request a reduction in fees using the 02.05.2003.E01 REQUEST FOR FEE REDUCTION form. Click here to view our 02.05.2003.F02 FEE REDUCTION SLIDING FEE SCALE.
For low-income clients receiving mental health and/or psychiatric services, we use the 02.05.2001.F02 SLIDING FEE SCALE-BEHAVIORAL HEALTH/PSYCHIATRIC to help offset the cost of services. This fee scale takes into account the client’s household income and size so that no client is denied service due to an inability to pay. We update our income guidelines annually based on the Federal Poverty Guidelines, and fees may change as our business costs change. Clients can self-report their income or provide verifiable income documents such as tax forms or proof from public funding bodies.
Substance use enrolled clients may qualify for hardship considerations based on the 04.08.6014 SUBSTANCE USE INCOME ELIGIBILITY WAIVER CRITERIA. For SUPR clients, co-pays per service received are charged based on SUPR Rule 2060 for individual, group, and psychiatric services.
We submit third-party billings at the full cost of business rate, but we adjust fees based on the current payer fee schedule or contract. Clients are not responsible for paying the difference between the cost of business rate and the contracted rate.
Court-ordered psychiatric evaluations are charged at the current psychiatric cost of business rate with no sliding fee scale application. The fee includes preparation time for a court report and mileage, as well as time for court testimony.
Lawyers or other professionals requesting our psychiatrist for deposition or evaluations will be billed at the current psychiatric cost of business rate. We require cancellations to be made at least 48 hours before the scheduled appointment to avoid being billed at the full rate.
The establishment of payment will adhere to the 04.02.1000 STATEMENT OF RIGHTS with an emphasis that it will not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, creed, religion, disability, or national origin.
What forms of payment are accepted at Arrowleaf?
- Credit card payments can be made online at https://myarrowleaf.org/paybill or by contacting any Arrowleaf staff member for assistance.
- Venmo payments can be made by searching @myarrowleaf under “Charities”
- Cash, Check and Money Order