Behavioral Health Programs
Arrowleaf’s Behavioral Health area of focus provides an array of programs and services that build well-being for individuals throughout our region by helping them navigate the challenges that can come up at different points in their lives.
For example, our Behavioral Health area of focus helps Southern Illinoisans work through challenges with depression and anxiety, substance use, education, caregiving, parenting, housing, employment, economic stability, and more. We also provide 24/7 support to anyone experiencing a crisis in our communities. Arrowleaf’s Behavioral Health programs and services are listed below:
Adult Outpatient Mental Health
The Adult Outpatient Mental Health Program helps adults living with mental health challenges that impact their daily lives work toward independent lifestyles through treatment and education on mental health.
CAC Assistance – Child Advocacy Center Assistance
CAC Assistance provides emotional support, resources, and referrals via mental health professionals to children and families who have received a forensic interview at the local Child Advocacy Center.
Crisis Response & Intervention Services
Crisis Response and Intervention Services, which are available 24/7, help people of all ages deal with immediate stressors, minimize the negative effects of physical or mental health challenges, and cope with a loss of functioning in any area of life.
Clyffe Cafe
Arrowleaf is thrilled to announce that we are working on adding a Supported Employment program to Developmental Services and Behavioral Health areas of focus this Fall and offer our worksite to be a placement for enrollees of the WIOA and SEP programs. Click here to learn more about Clyffe Cafe!
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DUI Evaluation & DUI Risk Education
Program evaluators determine the extent of the DUI (driving under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs) defendant’s alcohol and/or drug use and its associated risk to current or future public safety. Based upon the classification of risk, DUI Risk Education is provided to the defendant along with any recommended treatment.
EAP – Employee Assistance Program
EAP provides confidential internal behavioral health services for Arrowleaf employees and their eligible family members upon their request.
Housing First
The Housing First Program assists adults with mental illness who are homeless or exiting a State Operated Psychiatric Hospital (SOPH), with little to no financial resources, in identifying and accessing housing opportunities through the provision of rental and transitional assistance and supports.
IPS – Intensive Placement Stabilization
IPS helps young people involved with the DCFS system (Department of Child and Family Services) build stability and reduce the number of foster placements and moves through mental health services.
MHJJ – Mental Health Juvenile Justice
MHJJ functions as a point of contact between the Illinois Juvenile Justice System, probation, schools, and the community. The program helps build these collaborative relationships to identify and obtain referrals of youth with or at risk for mental health concerns in Union County.
Outpatient Fitness Restoration
The Outpatient Fitness Restoration Program provides outpatient mental health services and fitness education to non-dangerous defendants who are adjudicated unfit to stand trial.
Psychiatric & Nursing Services
Psychiatric & Nursing Services help patients of all ages struggling with mental illness and mental health challenges build well-being by pairing them with a team of specialists, including a psychiatrist and registered nurse, who work together to prevent, assess, diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate mental illness.
SAMHSA CCBHC-PDI – Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic
SAMHSA CCBHC serves individuals living with a mental or substance use disorder who seeks care, including those with severe mental illness (SMI), substance use disorder (SUD) including opioid use, children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbance (SED), individuals with co-occurring mental and substance disorders (COD), and individuals experiencing a mental health or substance-related crisis.
SASS – Screening Assessment and Support Services
SASS helps people 21 and under build stability through 24/7 crisis intervention response/screening, community stabilization services, follow-up care, and coordination with inpatient treatment services both pre-and post-discharge into the community.
Supportive Housing
The Supportive Housing Program provides adults living with moderate levels of mental illness or disability with 24/7 services to help them transition to self-sufficiency or a less restrictive residential setting.
Supervised Residential
The Supervised Residential Program provides adults living with substantial levels of mental illness or disability with 24/7 services through recovery-oriented community residential facilities.
SUPR – Substance Use Prevention & Recovery
SUPR provides those impacted by substance misuse and their families with intervention, recovery support, and treatment services that focus on the unique needs of the individual and the community.
Youth Outpatient Mental Health
The Youth Outpatient Mental Health Program helps people under the age of 18 build life skills and well-being through outpatient behavioral health counseling, psychiatric care, and other care coordination and support services.
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Behavioral Health • Developmental Services • Community Collaboration