Arrowleaf Accessibility
Policy & Procedure
Arrowleaf leadership has a working knowledge of what should be done to promote accessibility and remove barriers. Arrowleaf addresses accessibility issues in order to enhance the quality of life for those served in programs and services; implements nondiscriminatory employment practices; meets legal and regulatory requirements; and meets the expectations of stakeholders in the area of accessibility.
Goals of the Accessibility Plan
- Assess the accessibility needs of persons served, personnel, and other stakeholders by implementing an ongoing process in quarterly Safety and Accessibility meetings to identify barriers in the areas of:
- Architecture – examples include lack of ADA physical site compliance, lighting, signs in Braille when appropriate
- Environment – examples include lack of safety considerations, confidentiality, noise control, appropriate/comfortable furnishings
- Attitudes – examples include lack of person-first language, fair treatment, input from persons served utilized, inclusive practices, non-stigmatizing treatment/language
- Finances – examples include lack of sliding fee scales, payment options
- Employment – examples include lack of ADA compliance, Department of Labor compliance
- Communication – examples include lack of use of TDD phone services, materials in languages or formats understood by persons served
- Technology – examples include lack of training for usage, access to devices when appropriate, access to virtual/telehealth services
- Transportation – examples include lack of wheel-chair accessible vehicles, access to public transportation resources
- Community Integration, when appropriate – examples include lack of wheel-chair accessible sidewalks in community, adaptive sports programs in community
- Any other barriers identified by persons served, personnel, or other stakeholders
- Implement a written Accessibility Plan that includes:
- Include barriers identified, as outlined above, with action be taken and timelines.
- Review the plan quarterly at Safety and Accessibility meetings, as evidenced in meeting minutes, that includes progress made in the removal of the identified barriers and areas needing improvement.
- Evaluate and consider the merits of all requests for accommodation to determine whether remedial actions are appropriate as identified in 06.02.1005 REQUEST FOR ACCOMMODATION.
Review and Approval of Accessibility Plan
- The Chief Executive Officer will ensure that the Safety Director and Administrative Director jointly prepare an annual summary of barriers identified, progress towards barrier removal, areas needed for improvement, and requests for accommodation is completed.
- The Chief Executive Officer will review/approve the plan annually to ensure its relevance and request remedial action, if necessary.
Sherrie L. Crabb,
Chief Executive Officer
>> Download the Accessibility Plan Document (PDF File, 96 KB)
How to Submit a Request for Accommodation
To Request An Accommodation:
- Download, complete, and submit the REQUEST FOR ACCOMMODATION FORM (MS Word File, 33 KB)
in person at any Arrowleaf location; or - Mail completed form to:
PO Box 1328
Vienna, IL 62995 - Or, submit completed form via email to: info@myarrowleaf.org
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